
Monday, October 29, 2012

Two months.

Okay. So it's been two months since I've blogged. I've been told that if I no longer blog, there's a chance that my blog could be removed from the sidebar of the Traveling Scarf Sister blog!! Oh no!! So...I'm blogging...

Here goes...

I have to say that what is concerning me the most at this particular time is that I am unable to crunch the wonderful sugar-glazed almonds that I purchased while on a recent trip to Michigan. That's right. I have an entire bag of them sitting next to me on my desk and I cannot eat them because of the massive amount of metal that currently resides on my teeth! Whose idea was this anyway? Braces? They're for teenagers. I'm much too old for this stuff. Although I will admit that the newly-acquired metal structure has assisted me in my weight-loss efforts as eating is currently not a very pleasurable experience.

The above photo is not very fact, a little scary...oh well...

Each day it does get a little easier however, and one day soon (well, not soon, but in two years...) I may have a beautiful, straight-toothed brilliant smile to show for it. Well, my smile may not be brilliant. Unless of course, I choose to bleach my teeth, for they have yellowed over the all teeth tend to do. I think if I've gone to all this trouble of braces, that I might just have to have my teeth bleached when all is said and done.

For now, I'm content to gum my morning oatmeal... and figure out the best way to dry my mouth before applying the wax that is supposed to provide a barrier to prevent my cheeks from being torn to shreds....let me just not use a washcloth...the little loops on the terry cloth fabric get snagged on the tiny protrusions of the braces and then you're left with this!

So's back to dreaming about the day when I'll again be able to enjoy a piece of celery slathered in peanut butter....sigh....